We had a few halloween masks and wore them every year......no fancy costumes for us! We owned a mask like the one on the bottom right....Frankenstein I think it is.
My oldest sister gave me this set of books when I was in high school. I was an avid reader then but I could never get into this series. I loved the set though and kept it on a shelf above my bed.
This was always in the "junk drawer" in the kitchen in its original box. It was used when we were really young. I'm including a photo of my youngest brother on his 1st birthday. It's a fuzzy photo but you can just make out the birthday candle train on his sailboat cake.
This was my brother's. Can you believe he had a Robin doll that could bend his knees, ankles, elbows and wrists and I never had a Barbie doll that could do that, just the cheap imitation ones with stiff legs and arms. No, I'm not bitter.
This was the phone in our hallway. We only had 2 phones in the house, the other one was in my parent's bedroom and was a huge black table top version of this. It wasn't until I was a teenager that my sister and I got small phones for our bedroom, but this phone stayed on the wall.
These were among my favourite books when I was in elementary school. So much so that I wanted to live back then in a drafty sod hut on the cold prairie!