July 28, 2006

Popcorn Popper

This was the best popcorn popper in the world! Much better than doing it in a pot, which we used to do, and way better than the air poppers which we got a few years after having this one. What made this popper so good was the top where you could place butter and it would melt as the popcorn was popping and drip down onto the popcorn. Then you placed a little cover over that spot, turned the plastic lid upside down and that became the bowl. When I was a teenager we popped popcorn every Friday evening and watched Dallas.


  1. Had it! I loved that thing. The butter melter was the best!

  2. Anonymous8:18 p.m.

    Yep we had this too. Probably when my kids were young instead of when I was young. I remember the butter melter too.

  3. We had one in our dorm room -- made the place smell SOOO good!!!

  4. I loved this corn popper. And when I was in college I learned the people would use the bottom part to make grilled cheese sandwiches :)
