August 05, 2006


This was my sister's, not mine. It was a lot like an etch-a-sketch but the "drawing" area was domed, the drawing tool was more like a joystick (better than 2 knobs, curves were easy to do, not like on an etch-a-sketch) and there were little templates you could put around the joystick to make shapes.


  1. Wow! Flashback. This was one of my favorite toys. I remember making my own templates after my sisters stole mine. I was a crafty kid. =o)

  2. I had one of these! I completely forgot about it.

  3. Cool! my daughter is now using my old skedoodle (some 25yrs old). I only have 4 of the template things left now.

  4. Ah, fond memories! Had one of these as a kid. Was a great toy, much better than an Etchasketch - they should re-release it!
