July 02, 2007

Oh Canada Game

When I was in elementary school every student got one of these games. It was a French-English game that came with a record and a comic book. The comic book told the story of some people who won a lotto ticket and had a magic vehicle that took them on a journey across Canada. The vehicle could fly, go on roads and under water. The record had songs in English and French. I really enjoyed the game and story.


  1. I just saw this game at a second hand store today. I remember playing it when I was really young. I was born in 1974. I dont really remember where I played it.

  2. I seem to be the only person of my age that actually remembers this game and the tie-in comic book. Sure it was cheaply made and written with an agenda but it was part of my childhood.

    Seem to recall playing it in French class a couple times because it qualified as being "bilingual" or something.
