March 03, 2008

Buried Treasure Ice Cream Sticks

When we were growing up, going to the corner store to buy candy or ice cream was something we only did in the summers. We had lots of ice cream to choose from - dixie cups with the little wooden spoon, fudgesicles, popsicles, giant Mr. Freeze's, polar bars, a cone shaped dixie cup with a gumball at the bottom (I am sure they had a name, I just don't remember it....edit: my sister emailed me to tell me they were called Screwballs), ice cream sandwiches, creamsicles, drumsticks, push-ups and buried treasure. Buried Treasure ice cream was orange (I think, or that may have been the push-ups) and when the ice cream was gone there was a little figure on a stick as your prize. I found some on eBay. Which makes me ask two questions. 1) Who saves buried treasure sticks from the 70's? and 2) Who would buy them? In any case, they're a fond memory from my childhood.


  1. Yep, they were orange flavored...loved them!

  2. I love your site! It's taking me down memory lane! The treasure sticks were wiped from my memory until I saw your blog and then, suddenly, I remembered them! How fun! We called the screwballs cannonballs on the East coast.

  3. They were actually vanilla ice cream swirled with orange sherbet and I loved 'em!

  4. Believe it or not I just found some buried treasured sticks at a yard sale in Port Dover Ont. Really elderly man sold them to me for $2. I wrote on my blog about them when I went looking for pictures and found your blog. My thought was..."Oh good it's not just me"

  5. I used to eat these as a kid back in the very early 1960's. These are odd...they come and go. but remember eating these with my parents on a hot summer day on our porch around 1963. Great item they should bring back.

  6. We are collecting all the Buried Treasure Ice Cream Plastic Character Sticks. There were many, many different figure characters and each character came in a variety of colors.
    If you have any, please contact:
    Home: 425 432-0840

  7. Can anyone tell me what company made the Buried Treasures ?

  8. Jacqui,

    Big Drum Products, Inc. was co-affiliated in the manufacturing of the Buried Treasure Ice Cream sticks. For more information, contact us at

  9. Take a sentimental journey down memory lane with lots of pictures of Buried Treasure Ice Cream Sticks and informative historical information of their origin.

    We invite you to visit our blog at:

  10. I just found this little 'treasure' on the net by off - chance. I and a neighbour were only reminiscing about growing up. The subject of Buried Treasure ice cream came up. I used to love them! If I close my eyes I can still vividly taste them. I wish that they were still available today, I would have no trouble scoffing one down with glee! Well, I never thought that I would get anywhere when I entered my search. Well Sweethearts! Can't help but love this internet! Happy reminiscing folks!
