January 08, 2010

Lord's Prayer Cross Necklace

My oldest sister had a necklace like this one. In the middle was a tiny window and when you looked inside you could read the Lord's Prayer. I was always fascinated with it.....how could they make printing that tiny I wondered. We were talking about this a few moths ago and my sister said she still has it. That would make it almost 40 years old.


  1. I had one of these. I think it's still at my mom's somewhere.

  2. Casey, I too have one of these crosses. It was my Grammy B's. I have no clue how old it is. She's been gone since the 1986 and it was quite old then. I should do a bit of research to see when they were first made. Or I could ask if one of my aunts knows when and where she got it.
    I too have always been amazed at how they could have printed it that small. Especially way back whenever.
