I can't remember if it was mom or my aunt who owned this, but I know I saw it often. There was a measuring tape for a tail that you could pull out too. I am guessing this was bought way before my time though.
Along with a globe of the world we also had a moon globe. It was in my brother's room on his dresser, I think my parents ordered it from Reader's Digest. Of course we sometimes used it as a ball and a couple of times we took it apart (it was made of tin and could come apart in 2 halves, it sat on a plastic base).
My older sister's boyfriend gave me this one Christmas. I loved it, I'm not sure I even used the perfume but I proudly displayed her on my dresser. That is until my younger sister and I got into a fight and she dabbed the top of the watering can with a black marker. I tried covering it up with white-out but it was never the same. Sisters!!
I must have gotten this book when I was 3 years old because I went to the hospital for day surgery. In the book, Curious George swallowed a puzzle piece.
One year my older brother went to the US with my aunt and uncle to help them move back to Newfoundland. He brought us all back little gifts, this was mine. An am radio in the shape of a can of 7-UP. Of course I loved it, it was unique.
My aunt gave me this for my birthday one year when I was 12 or 13. It was a calendar of helpful hints with a poem under each picture. I still remember one of them "Windows washed with kerosene will come out even cleaner clean". Funny how that one has stuck in my memory after all these years.
This was lots of fun to play but apparently the noise of the balls drove my mother nuts because one day it disappeared. Months later we found it hidden on the top shelf of her bedroom closet (don't ask why we were snooping in her closet).
I got this for my birthday one year, one of my friends must have given it to me because we never ordered from Avon. I used it until all the powder was gone, then it stayed in the bathroom in the cupboard. It was kept in its box and every now and then I would take it out to look at it. I really liked it and was disappointed the powder ran out so fast.
My mother collected salt and pepper sets, she had over 350 sets on shelves in the kitchen. Most were just for show and never used. But this was one set that was on the stove and sometimes on the table that was used for a few years.
This lamp sat on top of our tv for years. I don't think I ever saw it turned on. It's tacky enough as is, but ours was filled with pink and red plastic roses.
This was my favourite thing to wear when I was in high school. I wore it out and was disappointed when I couldn't wear it anymore. My sister and I had a term for our favourite item of clothing, we called it our "old faithful". This was definitely my "old faithful".
I was probably 5 or 6 when I had this. The buttons made little numbered tabs pop up in the window and a bell rang when the drawer popped open. I think play money came with it too.
My older sister owned these and sometimes I was allowed to look at them. The backs had pieces of a larger picture so if you turned them over and put them together they would make a big picture. I can't remember what picture it made, but she didn't have all the cards needed. I really thought the cards were cool, especially since I loved watching "The Partridge Family" tv show.
This was my sister's, not mine. It was a lot like an etch-a-sketch but the "drawing" area was domed, the drawing tool was more like a joystick (better than 2 knobs, curves were easy to do, not like on an etch-a-sketch) and there were little templates you could put around the joystick to make shapes.
This was one of our favourite games. I don't remember the rules, something about matching up paintings. There was one painting we found freaky, a portrait of a man whose eyes seemed to be watching you no matter what angle you looked at him.
My aunt who lived next door had several of these. For a period of time you would get one free in a box of Red Rose tea. She used to hide them around the house for us to find, it was a great game for little kids.
I don't know how long this was in our family or where it came from but it was always in the top drawer of Dad's filing cabinet (the drawer without files, it was like a junk drawer and a treasure trove for us kids). Our pencil box was green but was exactly like this. What made it special was the world map on top and the two little wheels you could turn. The country name was displayed in one window and the capital of that country was displayed in the other window. I guess I played with it enough that the capitals were ingrained in my memory because I still know many world capitals. We were playing a trivia game not to long ago and the question (for bonus points) was "What is the capital of Turkey?". My partner didn't think I would know but I did, thanks in part I am sure to this pencil box. (oh, the answer is Ankara)